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My micrometer reads out to ten-thousandths of an inch.EX: .2501".This is 250 thousandths plus 1-ten thousandths of an inch.I never guesstimate a reading...Hope this helps

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Q: To what decimal can you estimate the reading on a micrometer?
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What type of micrometer is easiest to read?

A digital micrometer is the easiest to read as it displays the exact reading on a screen.

When reading a small-hole gauge how is the micrometer reading taken in relation to the split in the ball on the split or 90 degrees to it?

When reading a small-hole gauge, the micrometer reading is taken at the point where the split in the ball aligns horizontally at 90 degrees. This allows for an accurate measurement of the diameter of the hole based on where the micrometer lines up with the scale on the gauge.

How tight is the thimble turned when testing zero on a micrometer?

All you need to do is make contact. Tightening will give you a false reading and eventually damage the micrometer.

How far does the decimal move from micrometer to millimeter?

Three places

What is the expected Error using micrometer?

the spindle must be tighten to avoid slightly changes on the reading

HOW TO USE A micrometer?

First calibrate the micrometer by dialing the spindle to zero and adjusting the anvil until it is flush against the spindle. Measure the screw until the ratchet begins to click and take the first reading. This reading can then be compared to a machining book to verify the pitch diameter.

How do you write 65 cents in decimal form?

That would be .65, as in "The micrometer reads 0.65 on the dial."

How do you estimate 8.75 In decimal?

The number is already in decimal form so why would you want to estimate it in decimal form???

What is maximum reading of micrometer screw gauge?

The maximum reading of a micrometer screw gauge depends on the number of divisions on the thimble and the barrel. Typically, it can measure up to 25 millimeters with a resolution of 0.01 mm on the main scale and an additional fraction of a millimeter based on the thimble divisions.

How do you read micrometers?

To read a micrometer, first look at the main scale reading plus the number of revolutions on the thimble scale. Add the main scale reading to the thimble scale reading and the additional value from the vernier scale if your micrometer has one. The final value is your measurement in millimeters or inches, depending on the micrometer.

Which instrument is used to measure accuratelytwo decimal places in millimeters?

A micrometer is commonly used to accurately measure to two decimal places in millimeters. It is a precision measuring instrument that provides a more detailed and precise measurement than a typical ruler or caliper.

When reading a small hole gauge how is the micrometer taken in relation to the split in the ball?

When using a small hole gauge, the micrometer is taken perpendicular to the split in the ball. The split should be aligned at 90 degrees to the micrometer in order to accurately measure the diameter of the hole being checked.