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The answer depends on growth in WHAT!

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Q: To what decimal place value is the yearly growth measured?
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The slowest tree is a white cedar in Canada. to what decimal place value is the yearly growth measured?


To what decimal place value is the yearly growth measured if the tree grows 0.0658 per year in 155 years?

If it grows 0.0658 per year then the yearly growth is 0.0658!

What decimal place value is the yearly growth measured 0.0658?

A number does not have a place value. A digit within a number does, but not the number itself.

What decimal place value is the year's growth measured 0.0658?

It is measured to 4 decimal places.

How much money do you earn yearly?

Yearly you earn an annual salary, or a yearly wage. The term can differ from place to place as well as the situation. Your yearly earnings differs on your job and/or investments.

When does the yearly meeting of congress take place?

The yearly meetings of congress

What does dp mean in maths?

decimal place

Where is the hundereths place in a decimal?

hundredths place in a decimal is at the second place at the right of the decimal point.

What is the second decimal place to the right of the decimal point?

The second decimal place to the right of the decimal point is called the hundredths place

What is the 12th decimal place called?

The 12th decimal place to the right of the decimal point is the trillionths place.

What does one to decimal place mean?

Anything to one decimal place has a precision of one decimal place. For instance, 1234 to one decimal place is 1000, and 5678 to one decimal place is 6000. If you are talking fractional examples, then 0.1234 to one decimal place is 0.1 and 0.5678 to one decimal place is 0.6. Similarly, 0.001234 is 0.001, and 0.005678 is 0.006.

What does decimal place mean?

I need what is the decimal place is mean