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Q: To whom could copies of the minutes be distributed and why?
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When markets and governments decide how wealth money and goods and services are distributed what basic economic questions are they answering?

I Would have to say what is being produced, how, whom and others can be decided after the what

When markets and governments decided how wealth money and goods and services are distributed what basic economic question are they answering?

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When markets and government decide how wealth money and goods and services are distributed what basic economics question are they answering?

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What does Cc mean in e mails?

carbon copy Before copy machines were common, if you wanted several copies of a letter or memo, you would put several sheets of paper into the typewriter with carbon paper between the sheets. Then, after typing the item once, you had the original plus several carbon copies. Today, it is used to indicate a person or people to whom a memo or e-mail is being sent but to whom it is not addressed.

What does cc in memos stands for?

carbon copy Before copy machines were common, if you wanted several copies of a letter or memo, you would put several sheets of paper into the typewriter with carbon paper between the sheets. Then, after typing the item once, you had the original plus several carbon copies. Today, it is used to indicate a person or people to whom a memo or e-mail is being sent but to whom it is not addressed.

Where to get Concerto No 11 Op 3?

This was composed by Vivaldi, in D minor for two violins, and cello. RV 565. Doesn't seem to be available in the public domain, anyway; perhaps for lack of any existing copies that are readable. One could check with the larger universities, most of whom have a music library.

How many original copies of Aristotle are left?

There are no original copies of Aristotle's works extant, as is the case with most ancient literature. Books were originally not books aswe know them, but written on papyrus scrolls, which were subject to irreparable deterioration, and consequently had to be recopied (no printing presses or photocopiers of course). We have copies of copies of copies. Some of Aristotle's books were re-copied by monks, others by Arab scholars, without whom there would be nothing left. A copy of his Constitution of Athensappeared in Alexandria at the end of the 19th Century CE, probably found by the seller in an old Egyptian rubbish tip.

Whom they or whom those?

The answer depends on how the words are used in a sentence, but it's hard to imagine how "whom those" could appear in a good sentence. You might say, for example, "Who runs depends on whom they nominate." I cannot come up with an example for "whom those"! Here is an example: It was not clear for whom those love notes were intended.