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Q: Tom bought five candy bars and paid a total of 6.75 including tax. If each candy bar cost 1.25 how much tax did Tom pay?
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The word is spelled several. It has a meaning similar to a few. I bought 1 candy bar. I bought a few candy bars. I bought several candy bars.

Candy bars are on sale for 3 for 0.70 How many dozen candy bars can be bought for 8.40?

you can buy 3 dozen candy bars

Pretend that your two favorite snacks are chocolate candy bars and chocolate ice cream you spend your allowance of 2.00 on candy bars what is your opportunity cost?

The ice cream you could have bought.

Does walmart sell zero candy bars?

Yes, I bought one for a dollar the other day.

Where are rage candy bars in platinum?

They are supposed to be in the Veilstone Department Store, but, if you talk to the man around the bottom right hand corner, he says that he bought all the rage candy bars. Then, if you talk to the lady behind the counter closest to the elevator, she says she is all sold out. Therefore, rage candy bars do not exist.

13 candy bars weigh 26 ounces.What is the weight of 35 candy bars?

35 candy bars weight is 70 ounces.

What is a non-example of a variable?

That means finding something that changes, but isn't dependent on something else changing it. I would say that time is a non-example. It keeps changing regardless of how other things are changing. (Now, there is an exception to this in physics, where the passage of time changes in relation to velocity, but we're assuming that we are just talking about time as it is typically for us.) Another example would be something like a quantity purchased. Let's say that candy bars cost $ .75 each. The total cost would be dependent on how many candy bars are purchased, so the total cost would be the dependent variable. The number of candy bars purchased would be the independent variable, since it doesn't depend (within reason) on the total price. Since it is an independent variable, it is not a dependent variable, so it is a non-example of a dependent variable. For example, someone could purchase either 3 or 4 candy bars, and the total price depends on how many are bought, but how many are bought doesn't depend on the total price.

What milk chocolate candy bars are made in the US?

Cadbury is usually thought of as a UK (Australian) company, but Cadbury bars bought in the US are made in the US following the Cadbury recipe.

Are Snickers candy?

They are candy bars.

When Keisha sold 13 candy bars each box contained 36 bars how many candy nars did kiesha sell?

Keisha sold 468 candy bars. You have to multiply 13x36.

What candy comes in a rectangular prism?

Hershies candy bars.

What is a creamy candy?

Jelly beans and candy bars and pudding