You check whether numerator and denominator (top and bottom) of the fraction have common factors. Then you divide both by the common factors. Continue, until there are no more common factors.
Simplifying the fraction.
For a fraction to be reducible, the top and bottom must have a factor in common. 16 factors to [2 2 2 2] 21 factors to [3 7] There are no common factors, so the fraction cannot be reduced.■
A fraction is in simplest terms when numerator and denominator have no common factors. Example: 18/24, numerator and denominator have common factors, for example 2, 3, and 6. Dividing top and bottom by 2 gives 9/12. Dividing again, top and bottom, by 3, gives 3/4. These numbers no longer have common factors, so the fraction is in simplest terms.
Look for common factors. Then divide both top and bottom by such common factors. Continue, until you can find no more common factors.
Is one of the top three factors associated with fatal crashes?
Is one of the top three factors associated with fatal crashes?
Road conditions, speed and seat belts.
Excessive speed is one of the causes.
When someone crashes into you on purpose
When someone crashes into you on purpose
Car crashes
Suicide and car crashes are the main causes.
Top Decking - 2012 Fatal Attraction 1-8 was released on: USA: 14 October 2012
Blue top tube which contains citrate.
The fastest ever commercial airplane was Concorde. It flew at speeds of more than Mach 2. It retired from service due to crashes and accidents.