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Conversion cost is total of: Options Direct material and direct wages Direct material, direct wages, and production overheads Direct wages and production overheads. None of the above

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Q: Total costs less conversion costs equal to material costs?
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Can total revenues and total variable costs be exactly equal?

Yes. Actually this means the company has zero gross profit. If on top of variable costs, there are fixed costs, the company will turn a loss.

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That is were u now got your total cost

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In a perfectly competitive market, all n firms are equal. Thus, the market total cost is the total cost (TC) of one firm multiplied by the amount of n firms in the market Total Market Cost =Variable Costs and fixed costs ...Fixed costs plus variable costs.

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In a perfectly competitive market, all n firms are equal. Thus, the market total cost is the total cost (TC) of one firm multiplied by the amount of n firms in the market Total Market Cost =Variable Costs and fixed costs ...Fixed costs plus variable costs.

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When total costs and total revenues are equal, the business organization is said to be breaking even.

What is a BEP?

A BEP is a break-even point, the point at which total costs equal total revenue and the organization neither makes a profit or a loss.

Is net earnings equal to net income?

I believe so. Net Income is equal to the income that a firm has after subtracting costs and expenses from the total revenue.

Does prime cost plus conversion cost equal the cost of manufacturing?

Total Manufacturing Cost = Direct Material + Direct Labor + Factory Overheads Prime Cost = Direct material + Direct Labor Conversion Cost = Direct Labor + Factory Overhead So yes prime cost and conversion cost is equal to total manufacturing cost

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The total manufacturing costs for the period