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Q: Total stopping distance equals the time in inches it takes you to hit the brakes plus how many yards it takes to actually stop the car?
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What equals Stopping Distance?

Stopping distance for a motor vehicle is a combination of two factors.First the reaction time of the driver.Then the braking distance of the vehicle once the driver has reacted and applied the brakes.The two equal the stopping distance.

How long does it take to drive 960 miles at a rate of speed of 55MPH?

Think of the word DISTance and you have the formula D Is S times T Distance equals Speed x Time from which you can infer that Speed equals Distance divided by Time and Time equals Distance divide by Speed So in this example How long? means find the Time, and Time = Distance/Speed which equals 960miles divided by 55mph = 17hours 27minutes 16.36363636.....seconds What about stopping for coffee or a rest?

What is force times distance equals?

Force times distance equals work.

What does work equals force times?

Force times Distance equals Work

How do you write calculating average speed in words?

Distance equals speed divided by time. Speed equals distance divided by time. Time equals distance divided by speed

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what is the distance measurement?

On a map 13 inch equals 15 miles The distance between two towns on a map is 3 23 inches How many miles are actually between the two towns?

there is 34 miles distance between the two

What is the formula for finding time if you have speed and distance values?

Speed equals distance divided by time. By rearranging that formula, we get time equals distance divided by speed.

Is distance divided by time equals equals to velocity?

Yes, V (velocity) = d (distance) divided by t (time).

Distance equals rt solve for t?

T = Distance/R

How do you find distance in the formula work equals force times distance?

To find distance in the work formula, you can rearrange the formula to distance equals work divided by force. This allows you to calculate the distance by dividing the work done by the force applied.

How do i solve distance rate time promblems?

The formula is Distance=Rate x Time (or distance equals rate multiplied by time). When you take this into account, you can manipulate it to solve for rate or time instead of distance. In other words, you could rewrite it as Rate= Distance/Time (rate equals distance divided by time) and Time= Distance/Rate (time equals distance divided by rate) in case they ask for what the Rate or Time is instead of Distance.