a representation of the average exchange rate between one country and a variety of foreign currencies according to their relative importance to their trade.
Index numbers are usually expressed by setting some selected value as 100 and converting all other numbers to an index relative to that base.So, for a simple index, if the value y(0) is set to 100, then the index for the value y(k) is y(k)/y(0)*100.The calculations become more complicated if the index is for a collection of items. In such cases, a number of different "sub-indices" need to be combined together. The combined index is calculated as a weighted average of the component sub-indices, with the weights based on the importance of each su-index in the base period (base-weighted) or in the current period (current-weighted).
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite measure based on a weighted average of indices of life expectancy (at birth), education (measured by enrolment statistics) and income per capita.
In the simplest case, you select one period to represent the base period. Suppose the value of the variable for this period is V. The index is calculated by multiplying the value for each period by 100/V. This results in the base period having an index of 100 and all the other periods are represented by their percentage relative to the base period. Things get more complicated when you consider (mainly) economic index numbers such as price indices. A simplistic description of a price index is as follows: identify a "basket" of goods and services that the price index is required to cover. Calculate a price index for each item using the same base year. Then calculate the weighted average of these indices, where the weights reflect the importance of the goods in the total spend - either in the base period or the current period.
uses of index
The relationship between the trade weighted index and the export receipts is that they are both related to money exchanges for goods in other countries. The receipts are given in either a port, sea, plane, or by any person.
The Dow Jones Industrial average is a price weighted index.
Yes, the Dow Jones Industrial Index is a price weighted index.
Value weighted index is a market average such as Standard & Poor's 500 Index that takes into account the market value of each security rather than calculating a straight price average. An equal weighted index is a type of weighting that gives the same weight, or importance, to each stock in a portfolio or index fund. The difference is one gives individual value and other gives one value to all.
The symbol for Compass EMP US 500 Volatility Weighted Index ETF in NASDAQ is: CFA.
The symbol for First Trust NASDAQ-100 Equal Weighted Index Fund in NASDAQ is: QQEW.
TWI has a number of meanings. Some of these include, but ar not limited to, The Welding Institute, Trans World International, The Way International, and trade weighted index.
The symbol for Compass EMP US 500 Enhanced Volatility Weighted Index ETF in NASDAQ is: CFO.
As of July 2014, the market cap for Compass EMP US 500 Volatility Weighted Index ETF (CFA) is $34.87.
As of July 2014, the market cap for First Trust NASDAQ-100 Equal Weighted Index Fund (QQEW) is $430,768,079.04.
As of July 2014, the market cap for Compass EMP US 500 Enhanced Volatility Weighted Index ETF (CFO) is $34.88.