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The use of the third and fourth generation antibiotics

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Q: Treatment of acute dengue in severe degrees requires?
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Is blood or platelet the treatment of acute dengue infection in severe degrees?

dont know about it

What is treatment of acute dengue infections in severe degree requires?

the use of third and fourth generation antibiotics..

Is blood or platelet transfusion the treatment of acute dengue infection in severe degree requires?

Platelet transfusion is generally recommended for severe cases of dengue infection if the platelet count drops significantly and there is bleeding. Blood transfusion may be necessary if there is severe bleeding or if there is a significant drop in hemoglobin levels. Transfusions should only be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

What treatment of acute dengue infection in severe degree require?

the use of third and fourth generation antibiotics..

What the treatment for malaria?

The treatment for malaria depends with the type of malaria. There are two types of malaria: mild malaria and severe malaria. The severe malaria requires intravenous (IV) drug treatment and fluids in the hospital while mild malaria requires oral medication.

What drug dengue fever?

Treatment of acute dengue is supportive, using either oral or intravenous rehydration for mild or moderate disease, and intravenous fluids and blood transfusion for more severe cases. Do not use aspirin as it is an anticoagulant.

Can Dengue kill you?

The answer, unfortunately, is possible. There are four types of dengue virus. If a person is infected by any one of those four types, though it is not entirely impossible to die from it, it very rarely happens. It can even act like a vaccine, providing some immunity from the same type of virus to the infected person. However, if the same person (already infected by one of the four types some times before) gets infected from a different type, - any other of the remaining three, -dengue fever could develop into a more severe form, - earlier known as Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever, presently called as Severe Dengue Fever. That severe form could be fatal. There is neither vaccination nor specific treatment against either Dengue Fever or its more dangerous form, the Severe Dengue Fever. However, prompt medical care could often save life even in the case of the severe form. Since Severe Dengue Fever patients are loosing serious amounts of body fluids, - including blood -, the most vital treatment is keeping the fluid level to optimal, thus diminishing the complications which could have lead to death. More detailed information can be found in the related links.

Is itching a symptom of dengue?

Itching is one of the symptoms of Dengue Fever. The itching can be severe and can happen all over the body.

How can dengue fever be treated?

The prevention of dengue fever requires control or eradication of the mosquitoes carrying the virus that causes dengue.There is currently no vaccine available for dengue fever.

Are you immune to dengue fever if you have had it once?

The short answer is: Yes, and often the 2nd time around the dengue will be more severe. The long answer is: There are 4 general types of dengue fever - these are called serotypes. Once 1 serotype of dengue has been contracted, limited immunity to this serotype is generated. However, if a person who has contracted dengue once, gets re-infected with a different serotype, this will often increase the severity of the disease and increase the chances of developing the much much more severe dengue hemorrhagic fever. Also, dengue is notorious for being generally more severe in children.

Is common cold a symptom of dengue?

No, the common cold is not a symptom of dengue. Typical symptoms of dengue include a fever, headache, muscle and joint pain and a pain behind the eyes.

What is the treatment for allergies?

If you are having severe Allergies than you must go for a checkup to dermatologist who will do a thorough diagnosis of the condition that is causing you with the skin allergies and then they will provide you with the relevant treatment that is requires by your skin condition.