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Q: Trench foot occurs because wet feet lose heat how many times faster than dry feet?
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How does Mt Everest compare to the Mariana Trench?

The Mariana Trench is 150 times larger [deeper] than the Grand Canyon.

What does trench foot look like?

trench foot occurs when your feet is wet and cold for long periods of times, thing that was common in the world wars inside the trench lines. They were cold and wet. Once the condiction takes place, the feet swell up bad and turns black. Being like this too much will require amputation.

When was Good Times - Bagdad Cafe the Trench Town album - created?

Good Times - Bagdad Cafe the Trench Town album - was created on 2006-08-09.

How successful was trench warfare as a strategy?

I do not believe that trench warfare was successful as a strategy because it made both sides sitting targets for disease and artillery fire. During times of the year when cold weather and rainy conditions were common, the trenches would fill with water and soldiers would be at risk of trench foot.

How many times is the word 'write' used in the Bible?

WRITE occurs 98 times; WROTE occurs 62 times; WRITING occurs 39 times; WRITTEN occurs 277 times.

The what of an event is how many times it occurs?

Probability of an event is how many times it occurs.

A car moves 4 times as fast as another identical car compared to the slower car the faster car has times the KE?

The faster car has 16 times the kinetic energy of the slower car. This is because kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the velocity, so when the velocity is 4 times faster, the kinetic energy is 4^2 = 16 times greater.

Why do physical and chemical change occurs many times in cooking?

because of the mixing of the ingredients or any processes

How much faster are planes then cars?

According to studies, airplanes are 9 times faster than cars. It is because they are powered with greater thrust by propellers and jet engines.

Whose heart beats faster girls or boys?

Most people believe that a woman's heart beat is faster but really it all depends on your size. The bigger the person the lower the heart rate and the smaller the person the faster the heart beat.

The official date of trench warfare?

Trenches have been used in war since ancient times, but trench warfare was a feature unique to World War 1, from 1914 to 1918.

Why were people marring family members?

In some cultures or historical periods, marrying within the family was seen as a way to maintain social status, wealth, or power within the family. It was also sometimes practiced to keep property and resources within the family. However, marrying relatives can also increase the risk of genetic disorders in offspring due to a lack of genetic diversity.