'FOUR' is the only number in the English languagethat is spelt with the same number of letters as the number itself.
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1.An ant is determined to climb a flagpole that is 18 feet tall . Each day 2.a sphere has two sides . However there are one sided surfaces.
Hexagon! <a href="http://www.philippine-trivia.com/">trivias</a> can give you more information.
math 7
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A polygon with four unequal sides is a quadrilateral. A polygon with five sides is a pentagon. The polygon with the least number of sides is the triangle.
1.An ant is determined to climb a flagpole that is 18 feet tall . Each day 2.a sphere has two sides . However there are one sided surfaces.
You can make trivias on twitter by searching some facts and then posting it on twitter :)
secret!! XD
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Rizal is one of the national heroes in the Philippines