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Q: True or false A scientist who performs an experiment has no idea what the outcome of the experiment is going to be?
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A scientist who performs an experiment has no idea what the outcome of the experiment is going to be true or false?

True. In an experiment, a scientist formulates a hypothesis, designs the experiment, collects data, and then analyzes the results to draw conclusions. The outcome of the experiment is not known beforehand, and it is the results of the experiment that will either support or refute the hypothesis.

What is a basic requirements that a scientific hypothesis must have?

A hypothesis is an educated guess at what the outcome of the experiment will be. This means that the information must be tested to see if the predicted outcome is true or false, and there must be the possibility that it is can be proven false.

What is a basic requirement that a scientific hypothesis must have?

A hypothesis is an educated guess at what the outcome of the experiment will be. This means that the information must be tested to see if the predicted outcome is true or false, and there must be the possibility that it is can be proven false.

What do scientist do after an experiment?

They draw inferrences or conculution whether the theory is true or false. They validate or disapprove the hypothesis.

The avoidance of personal prejudice or bias is an important trait of a scientist true or false?

This is true because if any bias is present, the outcome may be affected by the scientist's method.

WHat do scientist do after doing an experiment?

They draw inferrences or conculution whether the theory is true or false. They validate or disapprove the hypothesis.

What is meant by a hypothesis must be testable?

A scientific theory or hypothesis must be able to make predictions that can be tested. It must be possible to design an experiment so that there is one outcome if the hypothesis is true and a different outcome if it is false. This is what is meant by saying that a hypothesis is testable or falsifiable. If such as experiment is carried out and the outcome is not as predicted then the hypothesis must be rejected and replaced by an alternative hypothesis - or a modified version.

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If a hypothesis is proven false something is wrong with the experiment. true false?


How are hypothesis and experiment are related?

A hypothesis states a predicted outcome for an experiment, while an experiment is designed to test the validity of the hypothesis by collecting data and analyzing results. The experiment provides empirical evidence to either support or refute the hypothesis. The relationship between hypothesis and experiment is crucial in the scientific method for forming and testing ideas.

If your prediction turns out to be false your experiment has been a failure.?


The Calvin cycle performs the light dependent reactions?

This is incorrect. The Calvin cycle is actually a series of light-independent reactions that take place in the stroma of the chloroplasts. It uses the products of the light-dependent reactions to convert carbon dioxide into glucose.