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Q: True or false Any property such as land or stock that may cover a person's liabilities is called his income?
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What is the difference between liability and expense?

Liabilities are debts owed to an outside party (creditor) such as a bank loan, a truck note, etc. Expenses are the cost of operating the business and affect the net income. Expenses include things such as utilities, supplies, insurance, rent, etc. While liabilities are listed on the balance sheet, expenses are not. Also, Liabilities decrease Owners Equity (Stockholders Equity) while Expense decrease Net Income.

Is gratuity taxable?

Yes the amounts are property, etc received would be taxable income to the receiver of the gratuity.

Amount of money earned is called what?

Salary, income, wage, stipend

How do you calculate DBR?

The way to calculate DBR (Debt Burden Ratio) is to take all of a persons debt burden and add it together. Next, divide that debt burden by the after-tax income. This is the DBR.

What are two basic financial statements.Explain their importance to the various uses?

The two basic financial statements are the Income Statement or Profit & Loss Statement and the Balance Sheet. The Income Statement reflects the revenues and expenses for a period in time such as January 1, 20xx through the date you are working on say August 31, 20xx. These revenues and expenses give you the net income or (loss) for that particular period. The Balance Sheet is a report of the business for a point in time, August 31, 20xx. The assets and liabilities of the business as well as the owners equity in the business make up the Balance Sheet. Assets - Liabilities = Owners Equity. The net income or (loss) from the Income Statement flows over to the Balance Sheet under the Equity section. Business use these reports to understand the financial position of their business ans where to make changes for future years. Investors use these reports to make decisions on whether they want to invest or provide loans to the business. Accountants use these reports to prepare tax returns for both individuals and businesses depending on the type of entity the are...corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship.

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A sum of money placed on a person property or income of an individual by government?

The sum of money placed on a persons property or income by the government is referred to as taxes. In the United States, these taxes are federal and state taxes.

What is a payment to the church of 10 percent of persons income called?


What is a claim on the property or income of a barrower called?

A lien.

What is net income assets minus liabilities or revenues minus expenses?

Net Income is revenue minus expenses. Assets minus liabilities is Net Worth.

What is a claim on the property or income of a borrower called?

financial asset

What is income property good or service is subject to tax called?

Income property, goods or services that is subject to tax is called the taxable portion. This is usually based on a percentage of the value and other criteria.

How do you figure total equity if given assets liabilities and net income?

It's pretty easy. The basic financial equation is: Assets = Equity + Liabilities. A part of equity is retained earnings. Retained earnings = net income - dividends Equity = Assets - Liabilities

What is meant by the term contingent liabilities?

The term contingent liabilities means liabilities that are not included in a normal balance sheet of a company's income. These liabilities are pending the actions of other outcomes such as court cases or employees benefits.

What is the linkage between income statements and balance sheet?

Income statement and balance sheet are linked in this way that income statement describes how assets and liabilities are utilized to earn revenue and net income while balance sheet describes the information about remianing amount of assets and liabilities.

What are the 5 elements of accounting?

Assets, Liabilities, Expenses, Income & Equity.

What is the format of a balance sheet?

The format of the Balance Sheet is Assets = Liabilities + Equity * Current Assets * Fixed Assets * -------------------- * Total Assets * Current Liabilities * Long Term Liabilities * -------------------------- * Total Liabilities * Equity * Net Income * ---------------------------- * Total Equity * -------------------------- * Total Liabilities and Equity

What is the formula for calculating the net income component percentage?

Net income is the income of a business after deducting taxes and other current liabilities. It is sales - Expenses.