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Q: True or false Can Stone can be polished to be very smooth?
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An optical microscope uses ordinary white light to illuminate a polished sample true or false?

Not entirely true. It does not have to be a polished sample. It is often a transparent or semitransparent sample and the source of illumination can be a colored light or polarized light to bring out the features that need to be examined.

Is it true or false that fracture is the tendency of a mineral to break along a smooth flat surface?

False. Fracture refers to how a mineral breaks when it does not break along a cleavage plane. Minerals can break along smooth flat surfaces (cleavage) or irregular surfaces (fracture) depending on their internal structure and arrangement of atoms.

Is it true or false that rough surfaces exert more friction than smooth surfaces?

True. Rough surfaces have more irregularities and asperities that create more contact points with another surface, resulting in higher friction compared to smooth surfaces.

Is it true or false that rough surfaces exert more friction than smooth surfaces.?

True. Rough surfaces have more irregularities and bumps that create greater resistance against motion, leading to higher levels of friction compared to smooth surfaces.