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Q: True or false Models help people study things that cannot be observed directly?
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Can models help people study things that cannot be observed directly?


Is it true models help people study things that cannot be observed directly?

Yes, models help people study things that cannot be observed directly by providing simplified representations that allow us to better understand complex systems or phenomena. Models can simulate, predict, and test hypotheses about phenomena that are difficult or impossible to observe in real life.

Do models help people study things that cannot be observed directly? shows things you cannot see right now like a map look at it and it shows the world

How are models useful to scientists?

A model can be useful by helping scientists study and understand things that are complex or can't be observed directly. It allows scientists to visualize and examine things that might not otherwise be physically accessible i.e. anything microscopic.

What is constuct?

"Construct validity is the extent to which an instrument measures a characteristic that cannot be directly observed but is assumed to exist based on patterns in people's behavior( such a characteristic is a construct). Motivation, creativity, prejudice, bedside manner--all of these are constructs in that none of these can be directly observed and measured" (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010, p. 92)

What are Directly Observed Therapy clinics?

Because people may neglect to take their medication for tuberculosis, it is common to have tuberculosis centers develop a program of Directly Observed Therapy (DOT.)

Can people directly elect members of the house of representatives?

the answer is false. they cannot

What people in a business are affected by a workgroup information system?

All those people, if there is such a thing as people, that have directly observed the work-group information system are affected by the system. It is a matter of scale and proportion as to the amount of effect.

When are people more likely to be concerned with appearing competent?

Most people fear they will look incompetent when being directly observed by a supervisor or higher-up. As well, people worried about downsizing or being fired want to appear the best and at their personal best.

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They should be observed because if they are not observed then people will not like you very much, and certain organizations will go after you.

Who is Hanukkah observed by?

Jewish people.

Why environment day is observed?

World Environment Day is observed to raise awareness and take action on pressing environmental issues facing our planet. It serves as a platform for governments, businesses, and individuals to come together and work towards sustainable solutions to protect and preserve our environment for future generations.