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True. The prefix centi means "1/100".

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Q: True or false a centimeter is one hundredth of a meter?
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A liter is the same as a cubic centimeter true or false?

A milliliter is the same as a cubic centimeter.

True or false a yard is shorter than a meter?

True, 1 yard = 0.9144 meter

True or false a cubic centimeter is the space taken by a square whose sides are 1 centimeter long?

False. A cubic centimeter is the volume of a cube with sides that are each 1 centimeter long, not a square.

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12 m equals 120 cm true or false?

False. 1 meter = 100 centimeters.

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obviously the truth being false is correctly false but might also be definitely possibly falsely true because of the definite event that is only a possibility that may be true or false because the false information that is never correctly true thatis correctly false at all times.

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A meter is divided into 100 equal parts called millimeters true or false?

This is a false statement because a meter is divided into 100 equal parts called centimeters and not millimeters. However, a meter can be divided into 1000 equal parts and these are called millimeters.

True or false the meter and gram are examples of measurements in SI?

The meter and gram are measurements in the SI, or the metric systems. These measurements are comparable to a foot and an ounce.

When you change miles to feet you divide is that true or false?

False. When you change from miles to feet you multiply because there are more feet in a meter then there are meters in a foot