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True. An aromatic compound, no matter how bad it is for us, will ALWAYS smell nice and fragrant.

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Q: True or false an aromatic compound is any compound that has a distinct ordor?
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What does ordor mean?

"Ordor" is likely a misspelling of "odor," which refers to a scent or smell, typically one that is unpleasant.

What is the ordor of plutonium?

Plutonium has not an odor.

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A small animal noted for its unpleasant ordor?

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Oliver Ezekwe Ordor has written: 'Cardiovascular responses to different body positions during submaximal and maximal arm ergometry in young college males'

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The skunk, when alarmed, will produce a terrible odor!

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Is brown spotting and a strong ordor normal at seven weeks of pregnancy?

spotting during 7 weeks is normal but it shouldn't be with foul ordor. consult your obgyn/doctor to check for infections. 7 weeks is important not to have any serious infectons that could cause miscarriage.

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Christiano Ronaldo has won the Europen footballer of the year, The F.I.F.A footballer of the year and the ball of Ordor.

What is it called when the results of sweat being allowed to sit on bacteria crowded areas of the skin?

The result of sweat sitting on bacteria crowded areas of the skin is called body odor. Sweat itself is odorless, but when it mixes with bacteria on the skin, it can produce a distinct smell that varies from person to person. Regular bathing and wearing breathable fabrics can help manage body odor.

If im not on the birth certifacate of your child but know she is mine and never been ordor to court then when you go will you have to pay back child support?

It's possible.

Is there any bedding that uses moisture-wicking technology?

There is bedding made with this usually for pet bedding for ordor control and wicks moisture away from the body