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YES!! because the property of matter to pulled into wires is DUCTILITY

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Q: True or false the property of metals that allows it to be pulled into wires is ductility?
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What is the property of a material that allows it to be pulled into a wire?

This is called ductility.

Particles of solids tend to stay very close together from each other when they are pulled That way some solids can turned into thin wires How is that property called?

This property is called ductility, which is the ability of a material to stretch without breaking when pulled. This property allows certain solids, such as metals like gold and silver, to be stretched into thin wires.

Is ductility chemical property?

No, it's a physical property. Ductility is a substance's ability to be pulled into different shapes, like a metal pulled into a wire. Changing the shape of a substance does not change its chemical composition, which is why it's a physical property and not a chemical property.

What is the property of being able to be drawn pulled or extruded through a small opening to produce a wire?

Ductility is the property that allows a material to be drawn, pulled, or extruded through a small opening to produce a wire. Materials with high ductility can be easily stretched into thin wires without breaking.

Why can metals be pulled into thin strands or wires?

Metals can be pulled into thin strands or wires due to their unique atomic structure characterized by closely packed metallic bonding. This structure allows metal atoms to slide over each other when force is applied, without breaking the material. This property is known as ductility.

Is ductile a non metal or metal?

Ductile metals are metals that5 can be shaped and pulled. Gold is a example of a ductile metal so in other words, yes it is a type of metals. Ductility is a property of some metals. It is also a property of materials other than metal.

What is the substance that could be pulled or drawn into wire?

A substance that can be pulled or drawn into wire is called ductile. Metals such as gold, silver, and copper are known for their ductility, which allows them to be stretched into thin wires without breaking.

What property of metals allows them to be shaped into wires?

Metals have high ductility, which allows them to be stretched into thin wires without breaking. This property is due to the metallic bonds between atoms, which allow the atoms to slide past each other and maintain their connection even when stretched into a thin wire.

Is ductility easily bent and pulled into thin strands?

Yes, ductility is the ability of a material to deform under tensile stress. This deformation allows the material to be easily bent and stretched into thin strands without breaking. Metals like gold and silver are known for their high ductility.

What is the ability of a substance to be pulled into thin strands without breaking?

The ability of a substance to be pulled into thin strands without breaking is called ductility. Ductile materials can undergo significant deformation without fracturing, making them ideal for applications where flexibility is required. Materials such as copper, gold, and steel are known for their high ductility.

What are two metals that are drawn into wires?

yes this is because one specific property of most metals is ductility which is the property of being able to be drawn into wires. This property can be attributed to metals mobile electron structure.

If an object can be pulled into a long wire then the object is called?

The object is called ductile. Ductility is the property of a material that allows it to be drawn out into a long wire without breaking.