Yes, one trillion is a real number. Real numbers include all rational and irrational numbers, such as integers, fractions, decimals, and whole numbers. One trillion is a whole number that can be expressed as 1,000,000,000,000 in numerical form. It falls under the category of real numbers on the number line.
You divide the top number (numerator) by the bottom number (denominator) and you will get a number.
Yes - in fact the set of all even numbers is a subset of the set of all integers, which is, in turn, a subset of the set of all real numbers.
1 million seconds. Or, a little more than 11 days of nonstop counting
The imaginary number (i) is defined as the square root of -1. If you multiply i by i you get -1
It is a counting number, an integer, a rational number, a real number.
Yes, one trillion is a real number. Real numbers include all rational and irrational numbers, such as integers, fractions, decimals, and whole numbers. One trillion is a whole number that can be expressed as 1,000,000,000,000 in numerical form. It falls under the category of real numbers on the number line.
Yes. Depending on the region, this may be called a trillion, or a billion.
It is a number. A counting number, an integer, a rational number, a real number, etc.It is a number. A counting number, an integer, a rational number, a real number, etc.It is a number. A counting number, an integer, a rational number, a real number, etc.It is a number. A counting number, an integer, a rational number, a real number, etc.
You divide the top number (numerator) by the bottom number (denominator) and you will get a number.
One million billion is also known as a Quadrillion. This is a number, followed by 15 zeroes. 1,000,000,000,000,000 is a Quadrillion.
You can do a mermaid spell a million times and you won't become a mermaid. Magic spells are not real and can NOT turn you into a mermaid. Mermaids are not real. People can not turn into anything. It is all make believe.
yes mhm, because obviously if it is a number...than it's a whole number * * * * * The above is a bit back to front. A whole number is a rational number which, in turn, is a real number.
There are two meanings for the phrase "real number". 1,000,000 is a real number no matter which of them you use. (Numbers that are not "real numbers" are "imaginary" or "complex" numbers if you're using the phrase in one sense, and "made-up" numbers like "a jillion" in the other sense.)
Yes - in fact the set of all even numbers is a subset of the set of all integers, which is, in turn, a subset of the set of all real numbers.
they kept saying his name because it isn't real