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Q: Two Examples for acute angle in our day to day life?
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Which shape has only two acute angles?

"z" has two acute angles a triangle can have 3 acute angles but also will have a angle >= 60degrees acute (also note for every acute angle a obtuse angle is formed the sum of the obtuse and acute angle will = 360) because of this a arrow is the only shape with two acute angles and 1 obtuse

Does a diamond have a acute angle?

Yes two acute and two obtuse!

What angle has one right angle and two acute angles?

A right-triangle has a right angle (90o) and two acute angles.

Example of an acute angle in real life?

An acute angle can be found in the shape of a corner in a room, where two walls meet to form an angle that measures less than 90 degrees.

If two angles of a triangle are acute must the the third angle always be acute?

No. In fact, if one of the angles is not acute (a right angle or obtuse), the other two must be acute.

Is a trapezold a acute obtuse or right angle?

A trapezoid contains either:two acute angles and two obtuse angles orone acute angle, one obtuse angle and two right angles.

If one angle in a triangle is acute can the other two angle also be acute?

Yes. In this case a triangle is called an acute triangle.

Does and acute has a right angle and two acute angles?

no an acute triangle does not have a right angle. if it had a right angle, it would be called a right triangle. to be an acute triangle, the triangle needs two angles that are smaller than 90 degrees.

Two rays that form an angle are called the what of the angle?


What type of angle does a triangle have?

A triangle has at two acute angles and the third angle is either an acute angle, a right angle or an obtuse angle.

All angles in a scalene triangle are acute?

A scalene triangle could have three acute angles, one right angle and two acute angles, or one obtuse angle and two acute angles.

A triangle with two acute can be called a right angle?

Right triangles have two acute angles, but that doesn't make them right. Having a right angle makes them right.