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46 mph and 50 mph

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Q: Two cars are 192 miles apart and travel toward each other on the same road and meet in two hours one can travel four MPH faster than the other Find the average speed of each car?
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Why are racing cars low with wheels wide apart?

If the mass of the racing car is low, it is able to move faster; and if the racing car has wheels wide apart, the mass is spread on a large area and can travel faster and cover a bigger area at one time.

Why does sound travel faster in a solid than in a gas or water?

Sound travels faster in solids because the particles in solids are closer together, allowing for faster transmission of the sound waves through the medium. In gases and liquids, the particles are further apart, causing the sound waves to travel more slowly due to the increased distance between particles that the waves must travel through.

Waves are known to travel faster through solids than they do through gases?

faster apex.....................................................................................................................

Two trains leave towns 1542 kilometers apart at the same time and travel toward each other. one train travels 11 km/h slower than the other. if they meet in 6 hours, what is the rate of each trainRate of the slower train:Rate of the faster train?

The faster train would travel at 134 km/h and the slower train at 123 km/h. Their combined speeds would have them covering 257 km/h, which in 6 hours would cover the 1542km distance.

Could sound travel faster in solids or gasses?

Sound travels faster in solids compared to gases because solids have a higher density and stronger intermolecular forces, allowing sound waves to propagate more efficiently. In gases, the molecules are farther apart and have weaker interactions, resulting in slower sound transmission.

Does sound travel faster in outer space or in air?

Sound does not travel in outer space because it requires a medium like air, water, or solid material to propagate. In air, sound travels at a speed of about 343 meters per second, which is much slower than the speed of light in a vacuum, which is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second.

Does a medium travel faster in a solid?

yes, sound travels fastest in solids. If we are talking about sound, then it does travel faster in solids. This is because in solids the particles are more compact and are able to pass on the sound waves more quickly than water media or gas media would since their particles are spaced farther apart.

A sound wave moves from a medium where particles of matter are closely packed to a medium where particles of matter are further apart How do you expect the sound wave to travel differently?

The sound wave will travel faster in the medium where particles of matter are further apart because there will be less resistance and the particles are more spread out, allowing the wave to propagate more easily.

Why does sound travel faster in warm?

Because the molecules are less dense and they vibrate faster letting sound travel faster

Do sound waves travel faster in gas?

Sound waves generally travel faster in solids compared to gases. This is because solids have a higher density and a more organized molecular structure, allowing sound waves to propagate more efficiently. In gases, the molecules are further apart, and this leads to a slower propagation speed for sound waves.

Does sound travel faster through molecules that are far apart?

No, sound travels faster through molecules that are close together rather than far apart. This is because the molecules are able to transmit the sound waves more efficiently when they are close together, allowing the sound to travel faster.

What do sound waves travel the slowest solids liquids or gasses?

In fact, it travels faster, in a liquid, than in air.In fact, it travels faster, in a liquid, than in air.In fact, it travels faster, in a liquid, than in air.In fact, it travels faster, in a liquid, than in air.