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Two cyclists start biking from a trail's start 3 hours apart. The second cyclist travels at 10 miles per hour and starts 3 hours after the first cyclist who is traveling at 6 miles per hour. How much time will pass before the second cyclist catches up with the first from the time the second cyclist started biking? A. 2 hours

B. 4 ½ hours

C. 5 ¾ hours

D. 6 hours

E. 7 ½ hours Answer

The distance the 1st cyclist travels is 6(3+t) miles, and

the distance the 2nd cyclist travles is 10t miles...

where t=the number of hours since cyclist #2 starts.

Now solve: 6(3+t)=10t ==> 18+6t=10t ==> 18=4t ==> t=4.5 hrs

==> 4.5 hours = 4 hrs 30 minutes

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Q: Two cyclists start biking from a trail's start 3 hours apart The second cyclist travels at 10 miles per hour and starts 3 hours after the first cyclist who is traveling at 6 miles per hour How much?
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What are the three safest modes of transportation?

1. Walking 2. Elevators - They mass move more people more miles without injuries than any other mode of people transport (walking does not count). 3. Biking From Wikipedia: According to a Department for transport report cyclists have in the UK a killed and serious injury (KSI) rate per million vehicle kilometres that is a half of the rate for Motorcyclists and eight times the rate for Motorists.

How many miles does it take riding a bicycle to equal one mile of walking?

One mile of biking equals one mile of walking

What was the most famous roman road?

The most famous Roman road was probably the Via Appia as it was the first of the superhighways, was used constantly and is still used today for biking an hiking.

Two people leave simultaneously from the same starting point biking in opposite directions Linda bikes at 7 mph and Dave bikes at 9 mph how long will it be until they are 24 miles apart?

After 1 hour, Linda will be 7 miles from the starting point, and Dave will be 9 miles away from that point but in the opposite direction. So they will be exactly (9+7=) 16 miles apart after 1 hour. They are moving apart at a rate of 16 mph. After 1.5 hours they will be exactly 24 miles apart.

Are Americans getting shorter in stature and why?

Not really, what really happened is that countries like the Netherlands outgrew us much faster. As an example, they went up 8 inches in average height within 150 years, while us Americans only went up about 2-3 inches (most of America's increase in height occuring during the first half of the 20th century). So when you hear about Americans getting 'shorter', they're really saying that we're no longer the tallest country in the word and have fallen behind many, many countries in the ranking of average heights per country. I think the best way to describe the reason behind our 'falling behind' in stature ranking is that although we Americans still practice great nutrition (at least far more than 60+ years ago), many European countries not only practice it better (more milk and better diet choices), but they also seem to get around more actively (i.e. biking and walking).

Related questions

What sort of energy is stored in the cyclist's muscles whilst biking up a hill?

Potential energy is stored in the cyclist's muscles while biking up a hill. As the cyclist pedals uphill, their muscular effort creates potential energy that is then converted into kinetic energy as they move uphill.

Two cyclists start biking on a trail. Cyclist 2 travels at 10 mph and starts 3 hours after cyclist 1 who is traveling at 6 mph. How much time does it take for cyclist 2 to catch cyclist 1?

ANSWER # 1 It looks like cyclist #2 is out to catch cyclist #1. Our #2 cyclist is starting out 3 hours later than cyclist #1, and is traveling at 10 mph versus the 6 mph of cyclist #1. There are a couple of ways to solve this one, so there is no "right way" to do it. Opting for an easy one, let's think of it this way. Think of it like both cyclists are going the same speed, the 6 mph. Yes, our trailing cyclist can't ever catch the lead cyclist, but this is a short cut, okay? If both cyclists ride, the space between them neither increases or decreases. Here's the scoop. It's the space between them that we're gonna look at. That space is 3 hours long. Here's the thinking. Cyclist #2 is going faster than #1 by 4 mph, and that is the "extra" speed that our #2 cyclist is using to close the gap, to make up that 3 hours. If cyclist #2 is going to make up 3 hours at 4 mph (the differential speed), how much ground is he going to have to make up? Well, cyclist #1 is riding at 6 mph for 3 hours to create the gap. That's 6 time 3 or 18 miles that cyclist #2 is going to have to make up. And our #2 guy is going to have to make up the 18 miles at 4 mph (the differential speed). How long is it going to take him? The 18 miles divided by 4 mph equals 4 ½ hours. Presto. It will take our #2 cyclist that 4 ½ hours to catch up to cyclist #1. If we want to check our work, take cyclist #2's 10 mph speed and multiply by 4 ½ hours and we'll see that he has to ride 45 miles to catch cyclist #1. Let's see what happens for cyclist #1. This cyclist will be riding for 4 ½ hours plus the 3 hour head start. That's 7 ½ hours of riding at 6 mph. The 7 ½ times 6 equals 45 miles. Check! We're good here! ANSWER # 2 1st = 6(x +3) ......... 2nd = 10x 10x = 6(x+3) x = 4 (1/2)

What does the bike emoji mean on instagram?

It may mean traveling or biking.

Is quad biking a sport?

Yeah, this quad biking is categorized under a sport but you can enjoy this in Punta Cana by traveling new excursions point. So I must suggest FunTrip2, for getting this amazing quad biking excursion.

Why do cyclists shave their legs?

Men who do a lot of biking and who have hairy legs find that leg hair can chafe or rub on their trunks or biking shorts creating abrasions. In addition, in competitive cycling, smooth skin has less drag than does hairy skin. Additionally, but of probably more importance than the above, because: * Shaved skin is easier to clean and dress after suffering 'road rash' (abrasions caused by a crash or fall) * Shaved skin is both easier (for the masseur) and more comfortable (for the cyclist) to massage Lastly, shaved legs look good!

What is the best brand of biking shorts?

As a longtime cyclist, it is my experience that you need to find a pair that suits YOU best. People are quite different as to what constitutes a comfortable pair of biking shorts. You might want to make your purchase in a brick-and-mortar sporting wear store in your area where you can try them on before buying.

Knee-on the down movement during biking?

Knee pain is common among cyclists - but more often than not it's an indication of a problem elsewhere.Most cyclists - from beginners to the pros - will experience knee pain when cycling at some point during their riding career. In fact, a study of 116 professional cyclists found that 94 per cent experienced some sort of overuse injury over the period of a year, and 23 per cent of those riders reported knee

How do you get sucone in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Chase it on the map. It will be tricky to catch it though because of its speed. It travels from Johto to Kanto. So have fun flying and biking and running!

What are the sentences of biking?

Biking through the Alps was glorious.She was off biking in new adventures.Many people enjoy biking.

Choosing The Right Type Of Biking Shoes?

How to Install CleatSpecially made to work with the pedals on a bicycle, biking shoes are manufactured in a unique way to allow a cyclist to power a bike in the most efficient and safe way possible. Unlike traditional footwear or athletic shoes, biking shoes are designed to be very stiff, and some professional shoes are judged by how inflexible they actually are. The lack of flexibility holds the foot in a proper position for pedaling and can help to reduce cramps that could occur during long or demanding rides. The shoes also have a cleat located on the bottom of the sole. This cleat catches onto a clipless bike pedal to hold the foot in place while the bike is in motion. Holding the foot flat on the pedal during an entire rotation allows as much energy as possible to be translated to the pedal and the bike.There are three general classes of biking shoes. The most common are for casual cyclists. Casual biking shoes are stiff and have a cleat in the bottom. Since the cyclists are casual, these shoes have some flexibility so that the wearer can walk around when not riding the bike. Casual shoes tend to look like traditional athletic shoes, and often have limited options for the cleat in the bottom.Mountain biking shoes are designed for those who will be cycling in off-road areas or rough terrain. They are similar to casual biking shoes except they tend to have a firmer and more durable exterior that sometimes rises up above the ankle for protection from off-road conditions. Since it is not possible to bike through certain areas such as rocky mountain sides or overgrown trails, these shoes tend to be heavier than other types and have a solid tread on the bottom to allow walking over broken terrain.Cyclists who are professionals, or just very serious, often use road biking shoes. These shoes can be very expensive. The material that road shoes are made from is very stiff, and in professional designs can be nearly unmovable. A selection of two to four holed cleats can be mounted in the sole. Most importantly, these shoes are made to be very lightweight and ventilated for comfort and to allow the cyclist to achieve maximum speeds during races. In most cases, however, it is difficult or impossible to walk in road biking shoes.

What is biking?

biking is when you ride a bicycle

What products are sold by Fahrradhosen?

Fahrradhosen is a company that sells a variety of products related to biking gear! This includes biking shorts, biking shirts, or biking accessories.