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Birth and death.

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Q: Two factors that keep populations stable?
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What are the 2 factors that keep the planets in orbit?

The two factors that keep planets in orbit are gravity and the forward motion they gained during their formation. Gravity pulls the planet towards the sun, but the forward motion prevents the planet from falling into the sun, leading to a stable orbit.

What two weather factors are most important in determining the plant and animal populations that can exist in an area?

Temperature and precipitation are the two most important weather factors in determining the plant and animal populations that can exist in an area. Temperature influences the types of plants that can grow and animals that can survive, while precipitation levels determine the availability of water for plants and animals.

What two processes keep carbon dioxide stable?

respiration and photosynthesis

What is the border across which genes can flow between two populations called?

The border across which genes can flow between two populations is called a "gene flow barrier." This barrier can be physical, such as a mountain range or river, or it can be due to behavioral or ecological factors that limit gene exchange between populations.

When is speciation is complete?

When the two populations can no longer interbreed.

Community can contain two populations of the same species?

Yes, a community can have two or more populations of the same species coexisting together. This can happen if different populations occupy different niches within the community, leading to their coexistence. Additionally, variability in factors like food availability, habitat preferences, or behavior can also allow multiple populations of the same species to inhabit a community.

Which two processes keep the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere stable?

Photosynthesis in plants absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere, while respiration from animals and decomposition of organic matter releases it back. These two processes work in balance to keep the concentration of CO2 relatively stable in the atmosphere.

What two factors keep a planet in orbit around the sun?

Two factors that keep a planet in orbit around the sun are the planet's velocity and the gravitational pull of the sun. The planet's velocity creates a forward motion that prevents it from falling into the sun, while the sun's gravitational pull keeps the planet moving in a curved path, which forms its orbit.

What two factors are necessary to keep the moon and earth in orbit?

Gravity and inertia.

List two factors that keep bone healthy?

Estrogen and physical activity

Two populations have evolved into two species when?

Two populations have evolved into two species when the populations can no longer interbreed.Are you answering a question from the Holt Science & Technology: Life Science textbook? Because these questions are my homework. :P

What is By stable?

Bistable = stable in two states