Two lines can't do that.
It takes three lines to form a triangle.
right triangle
Perpendicular lines meet at a right angle so a right angled triangle has two lines which are perpendicular to eachother. However there are no parallel lines in a right angled triangle, or any triangles for that matter.
A right angle triangle is a triangle with an angle 90 degrees. An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two or more equal angles/ length of lines. An equilateral triangle can also be an isosceles triangle.
The right angle is formed by the intersection of the triangle's "legs".
The lines that intersect to Form A right triangle are called Perpendicular Lines; the resulting meeting point of these two lines is called the vertex of the angle.
A right triangle had 2 perp.sides. Perp. lines meet to form right angles. i need the answer in a four letter word. :)
right triangle
two if the triangle has a right angle
Perpendicular lines meet at a right angle so a right angled triangle has two lines which are perpendicular to eachother. However there are no parallel lines in a right angled triangle, or any triangles for that matter.
No triangle has two lines of symmetry. A right triangle and an Isoscoles triange each have one line of symmetry, and an equilateral triangle has three.
two lines that are perpendicular form right angles
If at least two of the three lines are parallel, the three lines will not form a triangle.
They are the "legs" of the triangle.