2 and 406 is one pair.
One and two hundred and ninety three (1x293)
3 times 25 = 75 is one example
1 and 37077605235997, for one pair.
1,000 x 2 is one example.
What is the answer
2 and 406 is one pair.
One possible pair is 1 and 53
One and two hundred and ninety three (1x293)
One example is 29 x 10 = 290
8 times 10 = 80 is one example
3 times 25 = 75 is one example
1 and 37077605235997, for one pair.
1,000 x 2 is one example.
3 and 12
10 and 17.1 is one possible pair of numbers. 3 and 57 is another.
Umm............ a lot of numbers could work. One is 70 and 3.