There is no set of odd numbers whose product is 56 since the latter is even.
There are no two consecutive primes whose sum, difference, product or quotient is 56.However, there may be some non-standard binary operation such that two primes can be combined to make 56.
There are multiple possible two numbers whose LCM is 56: 1 & 56 2 & 56 4 & 56 7 & 8 7 & 56 8 & 14 8 & 28 8 & 56 14 & 56 28 & 56 56 & 56
The numbers are 4 and 14
just put 7x8 and u get 56 k
There is no set of odd numbers whose product is 56 since the latter is even.
There are no two consecutive primes whose sum, difference, product or quotient is 56.However, there may be some non-standard binary operation such that two primes can be combined to make 56.
28 and 56
There are multiple possible two numbers whose LCM is 56: 1 & 56 2 & 56 4 & 56 7 & 8 7 & 56 8 & 14 8 & 28 8 & 56 14 & 56 28 & 56 56 & 56
The product of 8 & 7 is 56 (8x7=56)
The numbers are 56 and 57.
They are are 7 and 8.
-56 and -1 -56+(-1)=-57 -56*(-1)=56
The two numbers with the sum of 15 and the product of 56 are: 7 + 8 = 15 7 x 8 = 56
The numbers are 56 and 57.