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Q: Two of something .decide so I'll take?
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What is a word for two of something you can't decide so I'll take blank?

Often, if you cannot choose between two items, you say that you will take both of them. Alternatively, if they are similar items, you might say that you will take the pair of them.

How do you decide which guy would be better to date?

To decide between two guys on who to date, take your time. You don't want to decide something this important too hastily. Make a list of pros and cons for each. Pray about the decision and consult your friends as well.

Two of something.I can’t decide, so I’ll take?


How many syllables are in ill-clad?

"ill-clad" has two syllables.

How do you decide between the two men you love?

The feeling they felt while doing something or the other.

Should you have intercourse while sick?

If you wish. Unless your doctor advises against it, it's unlikely to harm you. It may make your partner ill, but that's for the two of you to decide.

Your boyfriends on vacation will he cheat?

Only you can define your feelings concerning this - if you trust one another and are loyal then chances are he will be faithful but its not uncommon for people on vacation to stray. Only you two will be able to talk about this and you will have to decide if you believe him. if your boyfriend goes on vacation why dont he take you so if he didnt take me on vacation ill think he is cheating on me

Your girlfriend's depression is making you ill?

Well, she is ill and in need of help, whether holistic or medical. She needs to be diagnosed properly and then take action to help her depression. This will not get better. Im sorry your getting ill but you have to do it for the two of you.

What are the trade barriers in Brazil?

Something that seperates two countries from trading.This might not be the most accurate answer,but im twelve and this is my question but ill try to answer it for you.

If there are two legal owners of a vehicle who gets to keep it in the event of a break up?

In the scenario you described, If the two legal owners can not work something out between the two of them then the courts (judge) will decide.

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Decide one of two things, do you want a picture of yourself, or something else? If you want a picture of yourself, get someone to take a picture of you, or go through your photos trying to find a nice one. Otherwise, just trawl Google Images for something you like

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i have a mew two tell me your friend code and ill trade you my level 74 one