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Two litres of water might fill a fish bowl.

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Q: Two of water might fill a fish bowl?
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How many liters of water might fill a fish bowl?

2 might, or 20 might, -we have no clue about the size of the fishbowl.

How do you get a bowl ready for a Siamese fighting fish?

First you clean the bowl and make sure there is not dust or residue on it then, you fill it up ith warmish water and put betta water cleaner in it :)

Is is safe to put goldfish in a plastic bowl?

As long as that plastic bowl is large enough to fit in x amount of fish you have and you fill it with an appropriate amount of water.

How do you take care of your goldfish?

when getting supplies: about a 10" goldfish bowl, small aquarium rocks, goldfish food, a real or fake fish plant, and a fish bowl decoration (any different style: shells, ships etc. just one or two)setting up bowl: place rocks in fish bowl. rinse your bowl w/ the rocks in a large sink, to be sure no excess paint or dust is in your bowl. Now it's time to start "decorating" your fish bowl, but first fill up your bowl w/ water a tad bit colder than room temperature. Place plant and decor in bowl, slightly "planting" the items in the rocks.(make sure when you add your fish, that the water is the same temurature as the place were he was originally in) Now you can put your fish in your bowl!caring for your fish: you need to weekly clean your fish bowl. find a temporary plastic bowl large enough for your fish (fill w/water!). with a fish net scoop your fish from his permanent home (you must be very gentle and slow when scooping). place your fish in the temporary bowl (if your fish needs help getting out of the net, help him by giving him a gentle push out of the net). set your fish in a safe spot. bring your permanent bowl to your large sink. take out all decor and scrub under running cold water (throughout this cleaning process keep water cold). set scrubbed decor aside. fill your bowl have way with water, and put a plastic bag on your hand. mix the rocks in the water w/ your hands, getting all algae and "dirt" out from the bottom. empty the bowl (make sure no rocks escape!). fill the bowl again 1/2 way. take some rocks in your hand and rub them on all sides in bowl, this gets algae of the sides. repeat the mixing process about 4 to 5 times. Now fill your bowl half way w/ water. add your plant and decor to your bowl. dry the outside of your bowl with a wash cloth so that the bowl doesn't slip. bring the bowl to were your fish is. if your temporary bowl is wide remove fish with net first, then water. if your temp. bowl is not wide poor all together slowly into permanent bowl. Great job! your fish is happy in his clean habitat. remember to clean your bowl once a week and feed your fish a pinch of food daily! remember responsibility, love and care is what makes animals trust you. Happy fish owning!- A.M.

Can you use soft water in a fish bowl or do you use bottled water?

The type of water you use in your fish bowl depends on the type of fish you plan to put in the bowl. You can use tap water, soft water and bottled water in a fish tank.

How do you change the water in the bowl for your betta fish?

How to change your Betta fish's bowlFirst, fill a cup with your fishes water, and then gentle without hurting your Betta, scoop him up with your net, and then put him in the cup. Then, take the plant out of the bowl, and lay it aside on a paper towel or napkin. Afterwards, take a strainer, and pour the water into the strainer over a sink. Then, wash out the pebbles with nontoxic soap and water. Put your pebbles aside for now. After you did that, fill your fish bowl with warm water only for 5 seconds. Then, take your sponge, and dip it in the warm water, take the same nontoxic soap you used for the pebbles, and add a little to the sponge, and then scrub! Until the algae is gone. then, rinse thoroughly until the suds are gone. Afterwards, put your plastic plant in your fish bowl, and then, dump your pebbles into the fish bowl. After that has been completed, stick your index finger into the fish's cup water (without hitting the fish!) and run the sink to the same temperature as the cup water, and fill it all most all the way. Gently, pick your Betta fish up with your net and then place him into his nice, clean home!Note:If you have clearifire for your fish bowl, use as directed.

What do you do with the fish while you change the water?

When you are changing the water in a fish bowl, you have to empty cup ot bowl with water in it. Then, put it into clean water.

How much water do you put in a fish bowl?

Typically, you should fill a fishbowl halfway to two-thirds full to provide enough space for the fish to swim comfortably and ensure adequate water quality. It's important not to fill it to the very top to prevent splashing and give the fish some space to breathe at the surface.

What is the best way to care for a fish bowl?

It depends on the size of the bowl, and also whether there is more than one fish in it and what size they are- generally speaking, a water change should be about once a month for a single coldwater fish, though you might need to make it more often if there's more than one living in the bowl. There is no need to do a COMPLETE water change- changing about 2/3rds of the contents is ample, and avoids having to remove the fish whilst you do it, which can be stressful for it.

When do you use volume in real life?

when you use volume to fill a fish tank/bowl.

How often are you supposed to clean a smoking bowl?

Bowls are the most difficult thing to keep fish in. The only fish that can easily be kept in a bowl is a Siamese Fighting Fish. Goldfish should be kept in an aquarium with filtration. The secret to keeping a bowl is to do regular water changes. NEVER change all the water in the bowl. My prefered method is scoop out about half of the water from the bowl into a clean container. Place the fish in the container. Then using a clean sponge wipe down the sides of the bowl and stir up the gravel. Tip the water out of the bowl (water your plants with it). Half fill the bowl with treated water (never put chlorinated tap water straight in). Then top it up with the water you saved from the bowl and put the fish back in. A fish bowl will go smoky because your balance of "good" and "bad" bacteria is out of balance. The smoke is actually "bad" bacteria in the water. It takes about six weeks for the "good" bacteria to develope properly. NEVER clean out all the water from your bowl or wash the gravel, this will kill the good bacteria. Also be very careful with how much food you give the fish. Use only a good quality food and feed very small amounts. It is surprising how little food your fish requires. Excess food and cheapo food will cause your water to go smokey much faster. Depending on the size of your bowl, you should clean it every week.

How do you get a fishbowl and fish on Sims 3?

first you have to buy it. you cant buy one with fish already in it. in buy mode go to hobbies and click the fish bowl then you catch fish on live mode then click the fish bowl and click fill or whatever.