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Q: Two oil pipelines can fill a small tank in 30 mins Using one of the pipelines would require 45 mins to fill the tank How long would it take the second pipeline alone to fill the tank?
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Describe the use of pipelines in means of transport?

pipeline transport is tranportatation good through a pipe. liquied and gas substances are send through pneumatic tubes that transport solid capsules using compressed air through pipelines which move the substance from one place to another by the preasure

How can you protect the underground pipelines from corrosion?

Underground pipelines can be protected from corrosion by using protective coatings such as epoxy or polyethylene, installing cathodic protection systems to create a protective electrical current, and regularly inspecting and maintaining the pipelines to identify and address any corrosion issues promptly. Regular monitoring and corrosion control measures can help extend the lifespan of the pipelines and prevent leaks or failures.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using pipelines to transport petrol?

their can be a leakage in the pipelines. It can be broken the thing can be transported easily and conveniently. It is profitable

How oil is pumped through pipelines?

by using air pressure

What is the difference between Multiprogramming and single programming?

a Multi tasking computer can run several processes at one time, usually using super scalar architecture where several pipelines runsimultaneously by breaking the fetch execute cycle into stages and each pipeline can run a stage at a time. eg, if you broke the cycle down into 3 stages (fetch, decode, execute) you could have 3 pipelines running at once, one at stage 1, one at 2 and one at 3. a single task computer is one that can only run one process at anytime as it has only one pipeline...if any.

Unocal worked with the Burmese army to push the pipeline using forced labor?


In which microprocessor does the concept of pipeline first introduced?

In 8086 pipeline concept was introduced bcoz in 8086 we started using a buffer space which fetches the instruction at the same time when CPU processes

What is water transfer?

Water transfer is the process of moving water from one location to another using various methods such as pipelines, canals, or tanks. This process is commonly used in agriculture, industry, and municipal water supply systems to ensure water availability in areas that require it.

How the gulf war oil spill was cleaned up?

American forces managed using smart bombs to seal the open oil pipelines

How to measure water flow in a one and half inch pipeline?

You can measure water flow in a one and a half inch pipeline using a flow meter. Insert the flow meter into the pipeline and ensure it is calibrated correctly to accurately measure the flow rate. Alternatively, you can calculate flow rate by measuring the time it takes for a known volume of water to pass through the pipeline.

How do you remove calcium from PVC pipelines?

A 3/4" snake using chain knockers then water jetting to scour the lines clean ( NOT for clay pipe)

What is the process of transportation?

movement of objects from a point of origin to a point of departure using roads, rail , and pipeline modes in the case of land transport.