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Q: Two planes each parallel to a third plane are parallel to each other?
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If two parallel planes are cut by a third plane the lines of intersection are?

Parallel lines.

If two parallel planes are intersected by a third plane the lines of intersection are parallel.?

Yes, they are.

Can exactly two planes intersect and the third plane does not intersect the other two?

We don't think so. We reasoned it out like this: -- Two planes either intersect or else they're parallel. -- If two planes intersect, then they're not parallel. -- In order for the third one to avoid intersecting either of the first two, it would have to be parallel to both of them. But if they're not parallel to each other, then that's not possible. If the third plane is parallel to one of the first two, then it's not parallel to the other one, and it must intersect the one that it's not parallel to.

Can two planes intersect a third plane without intersecting each other?

Yes. Provided the first two planes are parallel, the third plane can be arranged so that it intersects both of the others.

Where did the third plane go after the two planes crashed in the twin tours?

The third plane went into the Pentagon.

If two lines are parallel to a third line then the two lines are parallel?

They are parallel to each other.

Where did the third plane crash in the 911 event?

Two planes hit the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. The third plane hit the Pentagon and a fourth plane was supposed to hit the White House or Capital, but crashed in a Pennsylvanian field.

Are two lines parallel to a third line parallel to each other?


How many principle axes are there for the human body?

There are three axes in any spatial body. X,Y and Z. You have three planes in human body. You have sagital plane. ( Sagita means arrow. So it goes like arrow.) Transverse plane means horizontal plane, when you are standing upright. There is third plane called coronal plane, perpendicular to these two planes.

Where did the fourth plane crash on 9-11?

Two planes hit the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. The third plane hit the Pentagon and a fourth plane was supposed to hit the White House or Capitol, but crashed in a Pennsylvanian field.

How many planes flew in to the two twin towers?

Four passenger planes were hijacked by terrorists in order to be used for suicidal attacks. Two of those were crashed into the North and South towers of the World Trade Centre. The third plane was crashed into the Pentagon, while the fourth plane crashed in a field near Pennsylvania.

Where were the planes going in September 11 attacks?

All four planes were originally headed for cities in California (Los Angeles, and San Francisco). The first hijacked plane was diverted into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York, and the second plane flew into the South Tower on live television. The third plane crashed into the U.S. Pentagon Headquarters of the Department of Defense. The fourth plane was headed for an undetermined target in the Washington D.C. area, but resistance from the passengers, who had learned of the fate of the other hijacked planes through cell phone conversations, caused the hijackers to crash in a nose-dive fashion into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.