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Q: Two planes that do not intersect are always parallel?
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Do Two planes always intersect in a line?

Some planes are parallel and don't intersect at all. Those that do intersect (and that are not coincident, i.e. the same plane) intersect in a line.

What are two planes that do not intersect?

parallel planes

Are there always Two planes intersect in a line?

No. Two planes may be parallel and so may not intersect. Also, any line is the intersection of infinitely many planes, not just two.

Are Two planes parallel to a line parallel?

No. Consider two adjacent faces on a cuboid. Both planes are parallel to the edge at which the intersect. But the fact that they do intersect illustrates that they are not parallel.

Where do two planes intersect?

In geometry, two planes intersect in a line. The only time this is not true is if the two planes are parallel to each other.

Can two planes that do not intersect be parallel?

No. By definition, planes can be extended in all directions to infinity. If they are not parallel, they will intersect somewhere.

When two planes intersect do they intersect in a straight line?

Yes. If two planes are not coincident (the same plane) and are not parallel, then they intersect in one straight line.

What is the two distinct nonparallel planes?

There is no "the" since there are infinitely many non-parallel planes. Two non-parallel planes are planes that intersect in a line.

Can exactly two planes intersect and the third plane does not intersect the other two?

We don't think so. We reasoned it out like this: -- Two planes either intersect or else they're parallel. -- If two planes intersect, then they're not parallel. -- In order for the third one to avoid intersecting either of the first two, it would have to be parallel to both of them. But if they're not parallel to each other, then that's not possible. If the third plane is parallel to one of the first two, then it's not parallel to the other one, and it must intersect the one that it's not parallel to.

Can two lines never intersect but not be parallel?

If the lines are in the same plane and never intersect they are always parallel. Two line can not intersect and be parallel if they are in different planes though. Take a cube for example, if you have one Sid of it and take the edge and then go to the opposite side and make a horizontal line they will never intersect but are also not parallel.

Do two planes intersect in infinitely many points?

No, perpendicular planes intercept at only one point. Parallel planes do not intersect at all.

If two planes intersect than they intersect at exactaly one point?

Yes. If two planes are not coincident (the same plane) and are not parallel, then they intersect in one straight line.