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Let the number be 'n' & 'n+1'

Hernce there product is

n(n+1) = 210

Multiply out the brackets

n^2 + n = 210

n^2 + n - 210 = 0

It is now in quadratic form ; apply the Quadratic Eq'n

n = { -1 +/- sqrt[ 1^2 - 4(1)(-210)]} / 2(1)

n = { -1 +/- sqrt[ 1 + 840]} / 2

n = {-1 +/- sqrt(841]} / 1

n = { - 1 +/- 29]} / 2

n = 28/ 2 = 14

n - -30/2 = -15 (Not required positive answer only).

Hence n = 14 & n+ 1 = 15 are the two positive integers.

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14 & 15. They are positive (greater than zero), consecutive (one right after the other) and when you multiply them together the answer/product is 210.

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