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Q: Two real life examples of mutualism?
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Mutualism: a relationship in which two organisms benefit from each other

Some examples of mutualism?

Mutualism or symbiosis is any relationship between two species of organisms that benefits both species. For example: A clown fish living and feeding around anemones. Or a honey bee pollinating a flower.

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There are many in life. I'll give some examples. Like, a butterfly. And a boat. Oranges also have two lines of symmetry.

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The variable derived by dividing distance travelled by the time taken to undertake that journey, and methamphetamine.

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There is only one biosphere. The biosphere is the culmination of all life on Earth, hence, sphere.

What is the difference mutualism and parasitism?

Parasitism is a one-way relationship while mutualism is a two-way relationship