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Let the number be x. So we have

(2/3)x - 11 = x + 4 (subtract x and add 11 to both sides)
(2/3)x - x + 11 - 11 = x - x + 11 + 4
(2/3)x - x = 15 (multiply only x in the left side by 3/3)
(2/3)x - (3/3)x = 15 (add both terms that contain the variable x, since now they have a common denominator)
[(2 + -3)/3]x = 15
(-1/3)x = 15 (multiply both sides by -3)
-3(-1/3)x = -3(15)
x = -45


(2/3)(-45) - 11 =? (-45) + 4
-90/3 - 11 =? -41
-90/3 - 11(3/3) =? -41
-90/3 - 33/3 =? -41
-(90 + 33)/3 =? -41
-123/3 =? -41
-41 = -41 True

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Q: Two thirds of a number reduced by 11 is equal to 4 more than the number?
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No, four twelfths is equal to one third, so two thirds is more.

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