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Q: Two values to be the same?
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What can be said of an ellipse when the two denominator values in its standard equation are the same?

When the two denominator values in the eclipse standard equation are the same, it can be said to be in foci.

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What is the same about two fractions that are like fractions?

Fractions that are equivalent have the same values when simplified.

How do you find the midpoint of two plots?

Add the x values togethe and divided by 2 and do the same with the y values this then will be the coodinates of the midpoint

What can be said of an ellipse when the two denominator values in its standard equation are the same-?

it becomes a circle

Are the values of phi and phi equal?

Yes, two things that are the same are always equal.

Two algebraic expressions are if they have the same value for all values of their variable?

They are identical or equivalent.

When burning two different foods to compare energy values what two factors must be kept the same?

The mass of the foods being burned and the method of burning (e.g., using the same type of fuel, same container, same conditions) must be kept the same to ensure a fair comparison of energy values.

How the values stores in HashMap?

values are stored in a bucket in hashmap, if two objects map to same bucket location by hash function then they are stored as same bucket location but in a form of linked list.

How do you multiply or divide minus numbers?

You multiply or divide the same way, wahtever the sign. Just make sure that the signis correct at the end. For multiplication or division, an operation on two values with the same sign results in a positive answer, an operation on two values with different signs results in a negative answer - WHATEVER the order of the two values. So: + and + makes + - and - makes + + and - makes - - and + makes -

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Synonyms for the word decibel?

A tenth of a bel. It's a ratio of two values of the same unit.