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The type of water erosion that forms larger channels down a steep slope is called gully erosion. Gully and rill erosion are the dominant types of water erosion in the world.

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Q: Type of water erosion that forms larger channels down a steep slope?
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Related questions

What is the different between rills gullies and streams?

Rills are small channels formed by flowing water on a slope, gullies are larger and deeper channels typically caused by erosion, and streams are larger bodies of moving water that can support aquatic life and flow towards a larger body of water like a river or ocean.

How does ploughing across a slope of a hill help retain the soil in farm fields?

Plowing across the slope minimizes erosion by inhibiting water's ability to run down the slope. Plowing in the direction of the slope creates channels that water runs down, carrying the valuable topsoil with it.

What is a tiny groove in soil formed by runoffs?

A 'rill' is a collection of small channels on a slope caused by erosion. Each tiny groove is called a 'channel.'

Are landslide and coastal erosion the same?

in a way because landslides are when rocks or earth or debris move down a slope. a mudslide is a fast moving landslide that flows in channels

What happens to the rate of stream erosion As slope increases?

As slope increases, the rate of stream erosion generally increases. This is because steeper slopes provide more gravitational energy for the stream to carry sediment and erode the channel, resulting in faster erosion processes. Additionally, fast-flowing water on steeper slopes can also increase the force of impact on the channel bed and banks, further accelerating erosion.

How does changing the slope of the stream table produce different results?

Changing the slope of the stream table affects the speed and direction of water flow. A steeper slope creates faster water flow, which can result in more erosion and deposition. Conversely, a flatter slope slows down water flow, leading to less erosion and deposition. These changes in flow dynamics can cause differences in the shape and size of channels, as well as the amount and distribution of sediment carried by the water.

How does runoff impact erosion?

Runoff can increase erosion by carrying sediment and debris away from their original location, causing soil loss. When water runoff moves swiftly over the land, it can pick up more soil, rocks, and minerals, leading to increased erosion. This can result in loss of fertile topsoil, sedimentation in water bodies, and degradation of landscape features.

What does slow erosion mean?

erosion is when the rock or soil falls and make a slope

What is the flattening of a slope on a hill to prevent erosion?

flattening of slope is generally a method of cutting the hill slope in the shape of steps. these steps being horizontal instead of slopey is better to check erosion.

What factors contribute to erosion?

Factors that contribute to erosion include natural processes such as wind, water, and ice, as well as human activities like deforestation, construction, and overgrazing. The removal of vegetation, disruption of soil structure, and changes in water flow can all accelerate erosion processes. Topography, climate, and soil composition also play a role in determining the rate and extent of erosion in a particular area.

What factor is most likely to affect the amount of erosion done by a stream?

The slope or gradient of the stream is the most likely factor to affect the amount of erosion. Steeper slopes result in higher velocities, which in turn increase the erosive power of the stream. A steeper slope also allows the stream to carry larger sediment and potentially cause more erosion.

What happens to the rate of erosion when the slope is increased?

Erosion increases due to the effective gravitational gradient.