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Metric ruler, Meterstick, Ruler,Thermometer, Weighing scale, Balance scale, Protactor.. :)


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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Q: Types of measuring devices and their uses?
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What are the uses of modern measuring devices?

Modern measuring devices take advantage of new technologies to perform more accurate measurements than older devices.

What types of tools or measuring devices do you use related to math?

No devices use for measuring in math. In math we cannot measure we just calculate.

What are the uses of the toolsequipment and measuring devices?

They are all to help you be more efficient in cooking

What item uses millimeter?

Millimetres are used on many measuring devices for greater accuracy.

Give ten example of measuring devices and their uses?

ano ba yan! kelangan nga nang answer e.!

What are the other measuring devices and its uses?

the different measuring devices are tape measure,meter stick,ruler,protractor, thermometer,bimeter thermometer,water meter,and etc.............knowing more an

What are laser measuring devices used for?

Laser measuring devices are used to accurately and quickly measure distance, length, area, and volume in various applications such as construction, interior design, real estate, and DIY projects. They provide precise measurements by emitting a laser beam and calculating the distance based on the time it takes for the beam to hit the target and reflect back.

What are some uses for high power Laser devices?

The are many different uses for laser devices. However, the high powered ones are usually used in devices not generally available to the public, including many types of weapons.


Exactly what measuring device? There are hundreds of "measuring devices" to measure different things.

Information of time-measuring devices?

Time-measuring devices are instruments used to track and display time. Common examples include clocks, watches, hourglasses, sundials, and digital timers. These devices are crucial for activities that require precise timing, such as scheduling appointments, managing work hours, or tracking athletic performance.

How useful are measuring devices?


How are different measuring devices usefull?

There are any measuring devices available, your question should be little specific. Measuring device is for electricity or water or earth quake or data traffic or air pressure.