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Q: Typically atoms gain or lose electrons to achieve what?
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What is the maximum and minimum oxidation number of arsenic?

Arsenic is in group 15, it can lose 5 valence electrons or gain 3 valence electrons to achieve the octet. Its minimum oxidation state we can predict as being -3, and its maximum as +5

The difference between a positive and a negative charged atom?

First, if it is charged it is called an 'ion' and if it is positively charged it has lost one or more electrons from its outer parts and if it is negatively charged it has captured one or more electrons into its outer parts - as compared with its ground state which is when it has the same number of negative electrons in its outer parts as there are positively charged protons in its center and is therefore electrically neutral. all atoms are neutral, they have the same number of negatively charged electrons as they have positively charged protons (which is equal to the atomic number of that atom). metals can lose all of their valence electrons to get a complete outer orbital electron configuration, to form positively charged cations (+1, +2, and +3). They lose negatively charged electrons so they end up positive. ions are not atoms, they are atoms that have lost electrons or non-metals can gain electrons to fill their valence orbitals (becoming -1, -2, or -3). these nonmetals with extra electrons are anions, but anions are not atoms, they are atoms with extra electrons.

Why standard reduction potential of fluorine is greater than cl2?

Fluorine and chlorine both need to gain electrons in order to achieve a stable electron configuration of 8 electrons in their outer shell, but fluorine is the smaller atom. As atoms get larger, their ability to attract electrons is reduced and they become more metallic in nature and less nonmetallic, because the outer shells of the electrons are farther from the positively charged nucleus, and even though the nucleus of larger atoms also has a larger positive charge, the increase in charge has less effect than the increase in distance, because charge is a direct proportionality and distance is an inversely squared proportionality. Distance matters more. So fluorine has the greater attraction for electrons, or as you put it, it has the greater reduction potential.

What is a synonym for accomplish?

achieve, attain, gain, reach, win, succeed,

What does conseguir mean?

Conseguir is a spanish word and in English means"get", "achieve", "gain".....

Related questions

Which of the following statements are true about whether atoms tend to gain or lose electrons?

Atoms with eight valence electrons usually do not gain or lose electrons. Atoms with one, two, or three valence electrons will lose electrons.

Atoms gain or lose electrons to achieve?

A stable electron configuration.

Do atoms of nonmetals usually lose electrons when they combine with other atoms?

No, atoms of nonmetals usually gain electrons when they combine with other atoms. Nonmetals have a tendency to attract electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration, typically by forming covalent bonds with other nonmetals or by gaining electrons to form anions.

How many electrons that an atom in the oxygen family gain or share?

Atoms in the oxygen family can gain or share two electrons in order to achieve an octet of electrons.

Silicon how many electrons are gained or lost?

Silicon typically gains 4 electrons to achieve a stable octet configuration. This allows it to form stable covalent bonds with neighboring atoms.

Do atoms of the halogen family of elements typically gain two electrons when they react?

Yes, halogen atoms typically gain one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration. This results in a full outer electron shell, similar to the noble gases.

Do ion share electrons with other atoms?

Ions do not share electrons with other atoms. Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. Positive ions (cations) lose electrons, while negative ions (anions) gain electrons.

How will atoms with 5 valence electrons achieve a full set of valence electrons?

They will gain 3 electrons from something with 3 valence electrons.

What states that atoms tend to gain lose or share electrons in order to achieve a full set of valence electrons typically?

The octet rule.

Does N and Br gain or lose electron?

N typically gains three electrons to achieve a full valence shell of eight electrons, forming a nitride ion (N3-). Br typically gains one electron to achieve a full valence shell of eight electrons, forming a bromide ion (Br-).

Do atoms lose protons but seldom lose or gain electrons?

Atoms typically do not lose protons because that would change the identity of the element. Instead, atoms can lose or gain electrons to form ions with a different charge. Protons are not generally lost by atoms in chemical reactions.

Will chlorine gain an electron?

No, chlorine typically gains one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration of a full valence shell.