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if it halts

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Q: Undecidable Problem that is recursive enumerable?
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What is set difference between recursive and recursively enumerable but not recursive?

All recursive Languages are recursively enumerable. But not all the recursively enumerable languages are recursive. It is just like NP complete.

Is the halting problem undecidable?

Yes, the halting problem is undecidable, meaning that there is no algorithm that can determine whether a given program will halt or run indefinitely.

Is the problem of determining whether a given context-free grammar (CFG) is undecidable?

Yes, the problem of determining whether a given context-free grammar (CFG) is undecidable.

What is Stephen reduction?

Stephen reduction is a method used in computability theory to show that a problem is undecidable by reducing a known undecidable problem to the problem in question. This technique was developed by J. Barry Stephen in the 1960s as a way to prove the undecidability of various problems in mathematics and computer science. By demonstrating that the known undecidable problem can be transformed into the new problem, it follows that the new problem is also undecidable.

Which technique can be applied to discover new undecidable problem?

Using computers as an example, just whack it a few times until lights flash. You might discover a new 'undecidable' problem.

Is the halting problem NP-hard?

Yes, the halting problem is not NP-hard, it is undecidable.

What is an example of an undecidable language?

An example of an undecidable language is the Halting Problem, which involves determining whether a given program will eventually halt or run forever. This problem cannot be solved by any algorithm.

What is meant by an undecidable context-free-language problem?

The following are undecidable cfl problems: If A is a cfl - Does A = Sigma star? If A & B cfls - is A a contained within B?

Is the halting problem a decidable problem?

No, the halting problem is undecidable, meaning there is no algorithm that can determine whether a given program will halt or run forever.

What is an undecidable problem and how does it impact the field of computer science?

An undecidable problem is a question that cannot be answered by a computer program. This impacts computer science because it shows the limitations of what computers can do, and raises important questions about the nature of computation and the boundaries of what is possible with technology.

What are some examples of undecidable languages and how are they different from decidable languages?

Undecidable languages are languages for which there is no algorithm that can determine whether a given input string is in the language or not. Examples of undecidable languages include the Halting Problem and the Post Correspondence Problem. Decidable languages, on the other hand, are languages for which there exists an algorithm that can determine whether a given input string is in the language or not. Examples of decidable languages include regular languages and context-free languages. The key difference between undecidable and decidable languages is that decidable languages have algorithms that can always provide a definite answer, while undecidable languages do not have such algorithms.

When you choose iterative or recursive algorithm?

If you cannot find any iterative algorithm for the problem, you have to settle for a recursive one.