Irregular pentagon.
A rectangle has four ninety degree angles, where as a trapezoid does not.
The size of the degree is the same in the Kelvin and Celsius scales.
When they are the same color, shape, size, and taste.
A Celsius degree is 1.8 times the size of a Fahrenheit degree, or 80% larger.
The two sums of money are unequal. They split the pie unequally. Unequal cake cutting can be devastating. Fernando did not try to make the cookies of unequal size.
Unequal size of cells
There are all three sided polygons. The sides can be equal in length or unequal.
that is just not aprropiet
Irregular pentagon.
They are alike because they can have unequal sides. They are different because scalene cannot have a right angle.
A cancerous mole may have two halves of unequal size
No, They are not alike as they have different size, features. There might be a similarity but in my view they arent alike. There food is different, there way of living is also different so in my opinion they are not alike.
Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century BC in the Greek city-state .... Also excluded from voting were citizens whose rights were under suspension ..... of democracy: 'it distributes a sort of equality to equal and unequal alike'.
Athenian democracy developed around the fifth century BC in the Greek city-state .... Also excluded from voting were citizens whose rights were under suspension ..... of democracy: 'it distributes a sort of equality to equal and unequal alike'.
The size of the degree is the same in the Kelvin and Celsius scales.
A rectangle has four ninety degree angles, where as a trapezoid does not.