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Q: Unity is the quality of wholeness in a work of art. true or false?
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Unity is rarely noticed when it is achieved true of false?

True A+ students :-}

To create unity an artist adjusts elements of the artwork to make them work together and add to the wholeness of the work?

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All artwork has unity?

unity is the feeling that all parts of a deign belong together.

Is it true that in a Coherence in writing results when all of the sentences in some way prove the controlling idea?

False...UNITY is the correct answer!!

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True :}

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Unity can be achieved by placement of elements in a work of art. true or false?

False. Unity can be achieved through various means in a work of art, not solely by the placement of elements. It can also be achieved through color, texture, form, and other design principles.

Is Visual unity is a key characteristic of well-designed art.?

Yes, visual unity is one of the elements of art and key to a well designed piece.

The quality of the environment is different around the world?

Yes, the quality of the environment varies globally due to factors such as pollution levels, natural resources, climate conditions, and conservation efforts. Regions with high levels of industrialization may face more pollution issues, while areas with strict environmental regulations or abundant natural resources may have better environmental quality. Overall, the environmental quality is influenced by a combination of human activities and natural factors.

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