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If you meant "Pythagorean Theorem" , the uses are almost infinite.

It is associated with finding the length of the "hypotenuse" of any right-angled triangle, given that the other two sides are known. However, a modified version of the Pythagorean Theorem allows us to find the length of any one side of any triangle, given that we know the other two sides, and the angle between them.

In physics, many calculations are based on the Pythagorean Theorem.

For Example,

The use of Trigonometric Parallax allows us to calculate the distance to relatively near stars.It involves the usage the Sun, Earth and the star in question as vertices of the right-angled triangle.

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Q: Use of phytagorean theorem in trigonometry and physics?
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yes. you can use trigonometry but phytagoreans theorem is faster and easier

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Use trigonometry

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If the triangle is right-angled then you should be able to use Pytharoras Theorem to calculate the missing side otherwise you need an angle to be able to use trigonometry

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It is the sum of all three sides. If you are only given 2 sides, you may need to use pythagoras' theorem, and if you are given an angle and a side you may need to use trigonometry.

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How do you find the base of a right triangle when only the height is given?

Use trigonometry if another angle is given. Use Pythagoras' theorem if the hypotenuse is given. Multiply the area by 2 and divide it by its height if the area is given. Or simply measure it.

How do astronomers use trigonometry?

One example of an astronomer's use of trigonometry is determining the distance to a star by triangulation.

What jobs do you use pythagorean theorem?

A land surveyor would use this theorem.

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Well, if Edward Cullen the bloodsucking vampire can use trigonometry. Then I am asuming farmers can as well.