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Please be more specific with your question to get an answer. Are you asking how to, when to, where to, etc. use results and date to solve a problem?

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Q: Use results and data to solve a problem?
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What processes do scientists use to solve a problem?

perdict, experiment, record data, discuss results. :)

Why do scientists use data from controlled experiments?

Scientists use data from controlled experiments to minimize the influence of outside factors, in order to isolate the effect of the variables they are studying. This helps to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between variables and ensures the results are more reliable and accurate.

What is the series of steps scientists use to answer questions and solve problems?

Ask a question. Collect information. Form a hypothesis. Perform an experiment. Collect data and analyze data. Interpret data. If data support your hypothesis, draw conclusions. If they don't, form a new hypothesis and re-do the process. Publish your results. Repeat experiments.

What are collecting data in scientific method of research study?

A step by step process that scientist use to answer questions and solve problem

The goal of applied science is?

It is to use science for a practical job or to solve a problem.

When you construct and use a table to solve a problem?

When you construct and use a table to solve a problem, you are using a numerical approach.

What is the difference between solving a problem and analyzing a problem?

When you analyze a problem you look it over which is what analyzing means. You look over the problem and then you solve it. When you solve a problem you solve it and you use certain steps and solve it but of course everyone has there ways to solve a problem but some people have ways to solve it by just analysing it. That is the difference.

When you to be use problem solving method?

When you have a problem that you need to solve!

What is similar in the ways scientists study problems?

Some ways Scientists solve problems are that they follow the 7 steps of the scientific method which are problem, research, hypothesis, experiment, collect data ,conclusion, and repeat the process because that is how you experiment on objects. They can use this helpful tool to solve a problem.

Why do scientsits use data charts?

Scientists use data charts to organize their data and also their results

What windows utilities did you use or could you have used to solve the problem in the lab?

That depends a lot on what problem you want to solve.

What tool do meteorologists use to solve mathematical equations and store data?

Meteorologists use various tools to solve mathematical equations and store data, including computer software and programming languages like Python and R. These tools allow meteorologists to perform complex calculations, analyze data, visualize results, and store information in databases for further analysis and reference.