How do you add a neat URL to the WikiAnswer Forum?
Here are the steps, one by one. But you may find it easier just to look down at the last line.* Click the URL button just above the text box.You should get [url][/url] * Right in between the twin sets of brackets,the [url][/url], type the words you want them to see, for example, "A Random WikiAnswers Question" * So now you have [url]A Random WikiAnswers Question[/url] * After the first "url" type "=" and then paste in your URL. The URL is the whole text in the address box, usually at the top of your browser. It will start with "http://" * For example: * That's it! * So your final link will read: [url=]A Random WikiAnswers Question[/url] Or if you find it easier to just copy an example (as I do!) then look at this one: * [url=]WikiAnswers[/url]. (Tip: If you hover your mouse over the URL button you'll see the two different ways of using the command.)