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Q: Vague claims in advetising can be misleading?
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What is the mathematical term of the meaning misleading?

The term misleading is the number that does not seem in pattern of the others.

What is the definition of misleading in math?

"Misleading" means that it can easily make you draw wrong conclusions.

What does vaguely mean?

vague[veyg] -adjective, va·guer, va·guest.1.not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed: vague promises.2.indefinite or indistinct in nature or character, as ideas or feelings: a vague premonition of disaster.3.not clear or distinct to the sight or any other sense; perceptible or recognizable only in an indefinite way: vague shapes in the dark; vague murmurs behind a door.4.not definitely established, determined, confirmed, or known; uncertain: a vague rumor; The date of his birth is vague.5.(of persons) not clear or definite in thought, understanding, or expression: vague about his motives; a vague person.6.(of the eyes, expression, etc.) showing lack of clear perception or understanding: a vague stare.

What might be used to make a graph misleading?

Don't make graphs misleading!As for the answer: different scales, leaving out points, drawing extra lines with no meaning, confusing labels, ...Most graphs you see online are misleading, few are really good.

Is this true or false statistics are only used to present information in a biased and therefore misleading way?

Statistics themselves are purely factual and can not be biased or misleading. When people start making inferences and interpretations based on the statistics, that is when they can become biased or misleading.

Related questions

Explain how vague claims in advertising can be misleading?

Vague claims in advertising can be misleading because something might be wrong or not observed enough. Things can end up being wrong so that means conclusions and answers are also wrong.

How can vague claims in advertising can be misleading?

how vague claims in advertising can be misleading cw: The general claim may, in fact, hold only for a proportion of the users. That hair-grower says it works in 90% of users -- but it's 100% of women and 80% of men.

What is a synonym for evasive?

Cunning, deceptive, evasive, indirect, misleading, slippery, vague

What is a good bill?

A bill of goods is a collection of items purchased or offered for sale, or a set of misleading or deceptive claims.

What is a bill of goods?

A bill of goods is a collection of items purchased or offered for sale, or a set of misleading or deceptive claims.

How so you put obfuscate in a sentence?

He attempted to obfuscate the truth by providing vague and misleading information during the investigation.

What does doublespeak refer to?

Intentionally vague or misleading language.. apex(";

What is the current policy toward misleading advertisements?

The Federal Trade Commission regulates advertising and claims, such as ads for high-technology products.

What is the governmental policy toward misleading advertisement?

The Federal Trade Commission regulates advertising and claims, such as ads for high-technology products.

What can you do to ensure that a misleading introduction doesn't loss credibility as a writer?

Don't have a misleading intro. It that's not possible, make it clear the narrator is untrustworthy/has skewed perception of events or that the writer is writing a mystery. Very vague question lose not loss, just so you know, writer.

What is the current governmental policy toward misleading advertisements?

The Federal Trade Commission regulates advertising and claims, such as ads for high-technology products.

What is the truth in advertising?

It apparently doesn't apply to the two political parties.,Both sides make misleading claims against the other party candidates. Why can't both parties be held accountable for these claims and be fined or if necessary, be incarcerated?