" value of the colteer 4-22 rifle ? "
Depending on the rifle, the maker and overall condition anywhere from 50-1500 USD.
50-100 usd
1913 Remington MINT 750.00 U.S.
50-400 usd
The singleshot Stevens 15A and 15B .22 rifles are worth %50 to $150, depending on the condition. The higher-end price seems to keep them sitting around for quite a while.
Gun shop, gun show, pawn shop
50-150 USD
Between £350 and £450
" value of the colteer 4-22 rifle ? "
15-150 USD or so
15-125 USD or so
50-150 USD
15-125 USD or so
15-2500 USD depending on exactly what you have.
Go to this site for informationhome.comcast.net/~jimringbauer/HamiltonRiflesindex.html