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Q: Value of 8 and 12 in hanau's formula?
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What is the value of n in 8 equals 12?

8 = 12 is FALSE. So, the value of n, in a false statement can be anything at all.

What is the empirical formula of a compound with the molecular formula C 12 H 8?

The empirical formula of a compound with the molecular formula C12H8 is CH2. This is determined by dividing the subscripts in the molecular formula by the greatest common factor (in this case, 4) to obtain the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in the compound.

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How do I get rid of Value return when I use a 'round' formula within an 'if' formula?

The formula I am using is: =ROUND(IF(A6="","",IF(VLOOKUP(A6,'Pricing File '!A:N,12,FALSE)=0,(VLOOKUP(A6,'Pricing File '!A:J,8,FALSE)),(VLOOKUP(A6,'Pricing File '!A:N,12,FALSE)))),6)

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6/16 and 12/32 have the same value as 3/8.

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The formula for hexagonal prism is ,it has 8 faces,it has 12 verities and 18 edges

How do you work out what 3x plus 8 equals 12 is?

3x+8 = 12 Deduct 8 from both sides of the equation: 3x+8-8 = 12-8 3x = 4 Divide both sides of the equation by 3 to find the value of x: x = 4/3 or 1 and 1/3 Substituting the value of x into the original equation: 12 = 12

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What is the area of a triangle when the sides are 10 by 8 by 12?

Using the cosine formula the angle between lengths 8 and 12 is 55.77113367 degrees. Using the sine formula the area of the triangle is 39.68626966 or about 40 square units.