By the serial number, it looks like you have a 1959 Browning Auto-5 Light Weight Shotgun. Value depends on condition. Used below 80% original finish start at around $400 and go up toward $1000 plus for near mint condition.
Even if done by Browning, it will diminish the value.
what is the value of a browning sweet 16 no. 51003
Browning did not make the Luger
1100 is a Remington, not Browning.
Your browning was made in 1930.
How value is Browning 300 Win Mag Semi Automatic
Browning sweet 16 model s76727 value
price value of browning shotgun serial number 35354
what is the value of my belgium browning serial number 751PP02500 AND is this a limited edition
What is the value of a 12 gauge Browning shotgun serial J68824?
wondering price value of browning shotgun serial number 35354
browning shot gun hold 5 441