The price at close of the day was 1.4133 If you want a more precise price you'd need to ask at what time of day as this price could change many times a day/hour.
As at 09Sep11 1 Euro was worth 1.39 US Dollars
1 dollar = 0.8 euro (0.7599 euro) 1 euro = 1.3 dollars (1.3159 dollars)
There is no such thing as a euro dollar. What you are referring to is the euro, which is the name of a currency used in 17 of Europe's countries.
1 Euro = 1.4244 U.S. dollars 1 U.S. dollar = 0.702049986 Euros
currently:1 U.S. dollar = 0.798849656 Euros1 Euro = 1.2518 U.S. dollars
The phrase, "The US Dollar has fallen against the Euro," means that the value of the US Dollar has dropped in comparison to the Euro.
what was the value of the dollar towards the euro in the year 2008
then the value of the dollar will not be worth a lot
The euro has been very stable against the dollar. Even during the great recession, it never lost significant value.
Discuss the factors which affect future movements of the euro against the dollar?
The value of the American dollar is constantly fluctuating. In Euro the value of one dollar is three-quarters of an euro. In rupees, one dollar is worth 60 rupees.
Exchange rates fluctuate minute-by- minute - depending on global markets. There are many factors that influence currency rates. A lower value Euro against the dollar will simply make european imports into america more expensive.
The current rate is .80 Euro to the US Dollar. That means that one Euro is equal to $1.24.
one euro=at least 1.4 Canadian dollar
What the dollar falls against the Euro American stockholders and American businesses benefit. This type of occurrence hurts the American consumers.
As at 09Sep11 1 Euro was worth 1.39 US Dollars