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Q: Velocity can be defined as in a given direction?
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Velocity can be defined as what in a given direction?

Velocity can be defined as speed in a given direction. It is a vector quantity that specifies the rate of change of an object's position with respect to time, along with the direction in which it is moving.

What is defined as the speed in given direction?

Velocity is defined as the speed in a given direction. It is a vector quantity that includes both the magnitude (speed) and direction of motion.

What is speed in a given direction is called?

Speed in a given direction is velocity.

What is speed in a given direction?

Speed in a given direction is called velocity.

What is define as the rate of change of velocity over a given time?

Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of velocity over a given time. It measures how quickly an object's velocity is changing, either in terms of speed or direction. It is a vector quantity that has both magnitude and direction.

Is it possible that a body has zero speed and nonzero velocity?

No because velocity defined as speed in a given direction so if speed is 0 then velocity must also be 0

Velocity includes speed and?

Velocity is defined as speed in a certain direction, or vector.

Why does momentum have a direction?

Momentum is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. The direction of momentum is the same as the direction of the velocity of an object. This is because momentum is defined as the product of an object's mass and velocity, and velocity has a direction.

What do you call speed in a given direction?

Speed in a given direction is velocity.

How fast an object is going in a given direction?

An object's speed in a given direction is its velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both speed and direction. It describes how fast and in which direction an object is moving.

What is velocity and why is it a vector?

Velocity is an indication of a speed, including a direction. It is a vector because that is how a vector is defined (a magnitude, including a direction).

What name is given to the speed in a specified direction?
